I own the property with someone else, do we all have to register?
No, one landlord can register on behalf of other joint landlords but they
must include on the registration the name and date of birth of each of the
other joint landlords.
I am part of an organisation which is the landlord of private rented
property, what do we have to do?
Companies who own and rent out properties are landlords and must
register. The person completing the landlord registration on behalf of
the organisation must also provide the company registration number as
I do not manage my rental property day to day, I instruct an agent to
manage on my behalf, do I have to register?
Yes. As the legal landlord of the property the obligation is on you to register.
An agent cannot register on your behalf.
However, you will not need to
obtain a licence; instead you must instruct a licensed agent and note their
details on your registration.
Registration will last for 5 years and will then need to be renewed.
During the registered period, landlords are under a legal obligation to
keep the information they have provided up to date, eg if they change
address or buy or sell a rental property.
What happens if I do not register?
Landlords have 12 months from introduction on 23 November 2015 to
register. AFer this time a person found guilty of this offence can be issued
with a fixed penalty of £150, or if taken to court can be fined up to £1,000.
What happens if I do not keep my registration up to date or I provide
false or misleading information?
A person found guilty of not keeping their information up to date can be
issued with a fixed penalty notice of £150, or if taken to court can be fined
up to £200.
Providing false or misleading information is a more significant offence
and a fixed penalty notice would be £250 and the potential court fine is